Preparing your files for print

  • Ensure that all fonts are embedded in your document or converted to outlines.
  • All text, colour photos and graphics must be in CMYK mode.
  • All black and white photos and graphics must be grayscale mode.
  • All transparencies within the publication, graphics and images must be flattened/merged in their native application.
  • Page dimensions, margins, and file naming must be consistent throughout the publication.
  • Page size must match the publication size.
  • You can use our custom InDesign templates specific to your job size, located in the Gazette Press TOOL KIT.
Saddle Stitched and Perfect Bound Magazines - Additional Specifications

  • Bleeds of background must be 1/4" inch outside the trim area
  • Crop Marks must be located 1/4 inch outside the bleed area on the page. Marks must be consistent from page to page.

Constructing files Newsprint vs Coated Stock

Converting images in Photoshop for newsprint and coated stock printing is very important.

In the Gazette Press TOOL KIT there are PHOTOSHOP profiles for you to convert your image

  • Newsprint - 200 dpi - GPL200Limted.csf
  • Coated Stock - 300 dpi - CCP Coated v1.csf
  • Copy the 2 profiles to your hard drive
  • In Photoshop, select EDIT from the tool bar, select COLOUR SETTINGS
  • Select LOAD from the pop-up menu, browse to the hard drive and select the profile you wish to use.


Use the Photoshop profile for 200 dpi - GPL200Limted.csf

RGB (Red, Green, Blue) is the additive colour space used to display images on a computer monitor. The RGB color mode is not used in printing. CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Black) is the subtractive colour space used in printing images. It is also known as process colour. All images, type and graphics must use the CMYK colour space.
Spot Color vs. CMYK
If spot colors are to be printed they must use Pantone uncoated solid/spot colour space and must not be edited to CMYK. Gazette Press will convert these files to CMYK as required. Please be aware that significant colour shifts may occur.
Colour - Total Ink Coverage
Total ink limit requires consideration when printing several colors on top of each other. Do not use a combination of inks exceeding 200% total ink coverage.

Web offset printing (newspaper)
The resolution at which you scan your images is very important. As a rule, all continuous tone pictures should have a resolution of 200 dpi at actual size used. All line art should have a resolution of at least 600 dpi at actual size used. 72dpi images taken from the Internet will produce very poor results and must be avoided.

Web offset printing (newspaper)
The maximum density in colour photos should not exceed 200% for newsprint and electrabrite stock. Exceeding this percentage will cause images and screens to plug and cause offsetting of inks. By using our Photoshop colour settings file, downloaded from here, when converting from RGB to CMYK, RGB to Grayscale and embedding the profile, you will ensure that total ink doesn't exceed 200%, apply the proper GCR and appropriate dot gain to your images.

Web press printing (newspaper) should have a highlight not less than 2% and a maximum of 95% in the shadow area. This will give the greatest amount of detail. Line screen is 100 lpi.

Black text
Black text/type must not be created using a multi-colour build (CMYK). Do not apply "rich black" to any text. Text that is to appear "black" must contain black ink information only. Multi-colour builds may result in poor registration, offsetting and a generally dirty print job.
Reverse text
Reverse text/type out of single colour screens should not be smaller than 12 point. When reverse san-serif type is used in multi-colour builds, type should be a minimum of 14 point. Serif reverse type should not be smaller than 18 point. When using the same colour type in a graduated screen, the screen should not exceed 40% at the location of the type. Fine black type and/or graphics should overprint background elements rather than knocking out the background.
Colour text
Colour text/type should be a minimum of 14 point for san-serif type. Serif type should not be smaller than 18 point.


Use the Coated Stock - 300 dpi - CCP Coated v1.csf

RGB (Red, Green, Blue) is the additive colour space used to display images on a computer monitor. The RGB color mode is not used in printing. CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Black) is the subtractive colour space used in printing images. It is also known as process colour. All images, type and graphics must use the CMYK colour space.
Spot Color vs. CMYK
If spot colors are to be printed they must use Pantone uncoated solid/spot colour space and must not be edited to CMYK. Gazette Press will convert these files to CMYK as required. Please be aware that significant colour shifts may occur.
Colour - Total Ink Coverage
Total ink limit requires consideration when printing several colors on top of each other. Do not use a combination of colours that exceed 350% total ink coverage.

Sheet fed printing (glossy)
Images should have a resolution of 300 dpi at the actual size used. All line art should have a resolution of at least 1,000 dpi at the actual size used.

Sheet fed printing (glossy)
Coated products (glossy covers) should not exceed 350% for sheet fed. Exceeding this percentage will cause images and screens to plug and cause offsetting of inks.

Sheet fed printing (glossy) should have a highlight not less than 3%, and a maximum of 97% in the shadow area. This will give the greatest amount of detail on coated stock.


We only accept "GP PRESS QUALITY" or "GP MAGAZINE QUALITY" PDFs, which meet Gazette Press specifications.

In the Gazette Press TOOL KIT, there are 2 PDF settings: "GP PRESS QUALITY" and "GP MAGAZINE QUALITY" for you to use.

  • Download Gazette Press TOOL KIT to download the PDF settings to your desktop.
  • Unzip the TOOL KIT file by double-clicking it.
  • Open Acrobat Distiller.
  • Select "Settings" from the top bar.
  • Select "Add Adobe PDF Setting" and browse to the setting/settings on your desktop that you downloaded
  • Click Open
The setting will now be available in Distiller for "postscript" or "exporting" of your files.
  • InDesign Creative Suite users may "export" PDFs using the GP PRESS QUALITY or GP MAGAZINE QUALITY settings
  • QuarkXpress or other Desktop Publishing application users must create a "postscript" file from your application and then use Acrobat Distiller loaded with the GP PRESS QUALITY OR GP MAGAZINE setting to create the final PDFs.

Note: We do not accept native files. PDF files are the only acceptable file format.

GP MAGAZINE QUALITY is similar to the GP Press Quality, but includes 1/4" bleed and crop marks.
Follow below for additional requirements for saddle-stitch or perfect bound newsprint or coated stock magazines.

Preparing your Magazine with Bleeds for print:
Use above Print specifications with the additional below:
  • Bleed for must extend 1/4" outside of the final trim on all sides.
  • Crop Marks must be located 1/4 inch outside the trim area on the page. Marks must be consistent from page to page. (Crop Marks are already included in with the GP MAGAZINE QUALITY setting.
  • InDesign Creative Suite users may "export" PDFs using the GP MAGAZINE QUALITY setting.
  • QuarkXpress or another other Desktop Publishing application users must create a "postscript" file from your application and then use Acrobat Distiller loaded with the GP MAGAZINE QUALITY setting to create the final PDF.

Naming your PDF Files

Our automated workflow requires a strict file naming convention. The name requires a "three letter" publication code (ABC) followed by the publishing date (YYYYMMDD), section code (A), page number (001), colour requirement (P=process, M=mono), zone (1), and version (a).

Example: ABC_20170128_A001_P1a.pdf

To receive a three letter code for your publication, and more information on naming conventions, please contact:
PrePress Department
office: 780-418-5230   email: [email protected]


Before uploading your files to us, please check our file requirements to make sure you have prepared your files properly.
For your security and privacy reasons, we prefer to create an individual FTP user name and password for you, to upload your PDFs.
  • PDFs can be uploaded via ftp software such as Fetch, Filezilla or via any web browser to
  • PDFs must be uploaded as single, correctly sized pages, using naming conventions as outlined previously.
To obtain your own User Name and Password please contact:
Dave Chrapko - [email protected] - 780-418-5230
John Van Huizen - [email protected] - 780-418-5231

You can also send your PDFs to the Gazette Press General Upload Folder (usually used for testing new customer files), by using your web browser and clicking on this link:
Upload your test files to Gazette Press

If you encounter problems connecting to our FTP site or uploading your files, please contact our Service Desk - [email protected] | 780-418-5233
Or PrePress - [email protected] | 780-418-5230